Our Alliston neighbourhoods are blooming with colour, amazing plantings and designs worthy of recognition.
Your Alliston Chamber of Commerce along with the Alliston Garden Club and our major sponsor Alliston Botanix invite you to enter this year’s Alliston Garden Contest!
With $2,000 in prize money made available by Alliston Botanix, Alliston Flooring, Don’s Heating and Cooling and Northern Blush Floral, we're thrilled to be beautifying our community.
Judging took place during the last week in July. Our knowledgeable Alliston Garden Club worked to provide the criteria. Judges will include members from the Garden Club, the Alliston Chamber of Commerce and from Alliston Botanix.
We are all working hard to keep our community blooming beautiful!

Contest Boundaries:

Judging Begins In
A special thank you to our community sponsors without whom
this contest could not take place.